bloody hell. its coming to the end of the holidays and instead of indulging in the luxury of rotting at home, i have to endure massively long hours cooped up in a box with 43 others listening to a preaching git.so far the best impression ive got of an entrepreneur is that he/she is probably an optimistic imbecile. why? lessons 1 to infinity go something like this: risks of failure are immeasurably high, traps and stumbling blocks are hidden every step of the way and the promise of bankruptcy is nearly absolute. to top it all off, the git cheerfully informs me that nobody wants to lend money to an entrepreneur.
therefore, they say, the most logical thing to do is to write this holy git book called a business plan to try to fool rich and bored people with a lot money into thinking they can make even more money by helping an entrepreneur. the word theyve coined is 'invest', a synonym, i believe, for words like 'pity', 'charity', and 'moron'.
and i have got to write one.
but even a terminally stupid venture will have its backer, so i am led to believe that an entrepreneur is happiest after plunging into his/her fifth consecutive year of debt, basking in the bliss of ignorance and uncertainty, and that the show is all over when, by some stroke of misfortune, that damnned thing actually starts making money.
its as if evolution skipped a rung or two and out popped this curious breed.