Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oei Twat, I Disrespect you

So here I am doing my best to disrespect you.

It's not terrible fun playing 'Simon-says' this millennia, the new one is called 'Singer-with-a-speech-impediment-said'.

So let's play that.

Singer-with-a-speech-impediment-said, or rather, tried to sing: "...when we're dancing chin to chin...". Turns out, that's a lot harder to do than dancing cheek to cheek, which also just happens to be a trifle more romantic.

Monday, May 21, 2007

In life, always take the time to sniff the roses and peer at these lovely demotivators .

If someone you know wants to jump of a really tall building to meet the rush hour traffic head-on but hasn't yet quite decided, this might be the ticket.

A few of my favourites:

Saturday, May 19, 2007

At the end of the day, it wasn't about the food nor the entertainment. It was about being there - a last chance, a gathering, a goodbye and farewell. Now, all are starting from a common platform, a shared background.

From this stage we will launch ourselves in different directions. A fleeting moment was when our paths merged, now standing at the crossroads in the journey of life. A brief glance backward, a quick confirmation, a wave, a hug...and a promise to stay in touch.

To all who read this: leave a shoutout.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The silliest questions are often posed by young children.

Here is a rather tricky question to have a go at:

"Why did my cat die?"

Well your cat didn't exactly die, it went to live with Jesus who has a small flat under the compost heap.

Jeremy Hardy

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Samantha is off on a dinner date with a gentleman friend from Moscow who has brought over a variety of caviar and a rare vodka based aperitif. She says he's going to offer her food in his hotel room and then liquer out on the balcony.