Thursday, August 17, 2006


tag tradition, as requested. this confirms my long-held suspicion that some of my readers are rather masochistic: who else asks for more punishment in the form of long and silly entries? i have however heard there are people in the general population who enjoy frequent penetrating entries, long and deep.

seven things you really didnt need to know about me:

7. i love the colour pink. in fact im a tad partial to reds, blues, greens, yellows, oranges and so on too. but id hold on about purple. thats just gay. and thats why we have purple on sbs tshirts. sbs is also an acronym for sell boardside.

i just mentioned that im a tad. thanks ry for reminding me just now. those of you who know me should get it by now. or now. maybe now. how about now? well, you should sooner or later.

6. i think the process of self discovery is important. for instance, one has to discover her or his core - the central spot from which gravitas, abbreviated as g, arises. g is what legendary figures like winston churchill possess. but thats not the only use of a g-spot.

5. i like nature - i like to find out about the birds and the bees. i like to watch nature.

4. i appreciate anybody with good skills, from a prodigy escalator cleaner to a gifted pencil pusher.

3. i have a problem with people who like to exercise their authority.

2. i think a certain oscar wilde approach to life is fairly commendable - roughly put, it is alacrity in irreverence and partial insanity.

1. i am unhinged, tilted. sometimes i see the world differently from many of my friends. when i slip into occasional delusion, a state most people are in all of the time, i behave as they do to - normally. it seems everybody likes to behave normally.

some friends this fact-finding tag of seven may find its way to are: viv, germ, all angelines, joy, cheryl, stan, meng.


At 17 August, 2006 20:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am finaaalllly here! Btw, u do mean vivian and not vivienne right?Muahhaa",


At 17 August, 2006 21:04, Blogger Tilted said...

heyhey! i mean ry, vivienne, aka the real korean...thats you!

At 18 August, 2006 01:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all right, ill do this just for u.

At 19 August, 2006 23:33, Blogger Madcap J said...

i got tagged? can i pretend i didn't see it?

At 20 August, 2006 11:43, Blogger Tilted said...

oh no no no you really must! try doing it upside down...

At 23 August, 2006 16:20, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are seriously a horny old goat....

At 02 September, 2006 12:08, Blogger Tilted said...

hey look whos talking. a slimy fish.

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