Monday, January 16, 2006


A rather vague acquaintance recently lamented being called names, for instance unfaithful materialistic player. In which case is one name, but longer.

As I mentioned, this person is rather vague. He/she is really quite vapid, sort of swimming around in a hazy existence obssessed with his/her newfound image. Being a rather vague person he/she wont be reading this entry. Anyway I would expect most vacuous people to be less involved in activities like reading, which could possibly be too mentally taxing for them.

There are several ways of dealing with comments or criticism. Threaten to invade their country, impose sanctions or build your own nuclear generator. Thats what our world leaders teach us anyway. The most commonly used two however go something like this - if they are deemed constructive, accept them, implement change and move on. If one thinks they are unhelpful /...(fill in the fucking blanks) , then ignore them and, guess what, again move on. But he/she got stuck.

The comments, I agree, seem harsh. But if subconciously or even conciously, the attempt wasnt made to project a certain image, to sell oneself as ideal/cool/in/happening/stupid, which stinks of insecurity and immaturity, the effect might have been tempered more mildly. In this case his/her plans backfired and he/she got pissed (on).

In a way this isnt new to some of us. We saw that behaviour before, in JC. Both the name calling and the vague people. Since vague acquaintance only increased his/her social circle fairly recently, this might have come as a bit of a surprise, something new after his/her arrested development phase. Well, welcome to the world.

A little condescending perhaps? Vague acquaintance has gone and galloped off a side alley from the narrow, arduous road to perdition. And is fast losing sight of his/her values and all that is close and true. But what do I care? Not for that dying trace of kindness and humility being choked by overwhelming selfish desires, arrogance and insensitivity. Not for excuses of being careful not to be mistreated again. Not for any excuse to silly behaviour.

A sweet young thing screwing up big time. Reality.


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